弗吉尼亚州诺福克. — The 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究 at 最靠谱的网赌软件 proudly recognized five distinguished alumni with the 2024 达顿奖学金校友奖. These awards underscore the remarkable professional achievements and contributions of its graduates across various fields, 彰显他们的奉献精神, 创新, 以及对社区内外的影响. These individuals have not only excelled in their respective fields but have also made profound contributions that set them apart in their professional landscapes. 由我们五个系的老师选出, 这些校友在他们的社区中是奉献和卓越的化身. 这是一个重要的荣誉, 考虑到他们来自一个超过42人的杰出群体,在过去的60年里,达顿学院的校友人数超过了1000人.

达顿奖学金是我们学院传统的灯塔, 认识并尊重这种韧性, 承诺, 我们的校友付出了非凡的努力,达到了非凡的高度. 让我们也承认他们家庭的支持所起的至关重要的作用, 朋友, 教育工作者, 导师, 在我们的旅程中更广泛的社区. 

Dean Tammi Dice分享道, “我期待看到你取得更多的成就, and I hope that you know that you are an inspiration to current and future students to follow their passions, 做出有意义的改变, 最终让世界变得更好.”


心理咨询系 & 人类服务

Dr. Traci理查兹
Ph.D. 咨询,2017

Dr. Traci理查兹是ODU咨询教育硕士和博士课程的校友, 也是ODU Chi Sigma Iota荣誉协会的成员, 一个国际化、专业化的学生心理咨询学术荣誉社团, 辅导员教育工作者, 以及专业咨询师. 她持有LPC和NCC认证.

Dr. 理查兹是精神卫生保健领域的领军人物, 在她的职业生涯中, has dedicated herself to the needs of the Hampton Roads region through cutting-edge community-based behavioral health services.

她是切萨皮克地区医院的高级经理, where she is responsible for developing and supervising mental health 项目 for vulnerable patient populations, and for designing and overseeing an Integrated Behavioral 健康 training site for the area’s future practitioners.

特蕾西也是伊利亚德咨询服务有限责任公司的老板, 这样她就能进一步解决该地区的精神健康和药物使用问题了. 她是ODU培训项目中有价值的兼职讲师和临床主管, 他是潮水紧急医疗服务委员会的董事会成员, 他是西部潮水医疗预备队的创伤和危机干预专家. 她也是切萨皮克地区医疗保健的灯塔奖和杰出奖的获得者.


教育基金学系 & 领导

Dr. 凯尔·威廉姆斯
副警长的归属问题特别顾问, 参与和社区/埃默里大学学生主任

Dr. 凯尔·威廉姆斯 is an alumnus of the ODU Higher Education master’s program and holds a Doctor of Education degree from Texas A&M大学-商科. 在最靠谱的网赌软件就读期间, he worked within the Office of 国际 and Intercultural 项目 at Virginia Wesleyan College in Virginia Beach, 以及最靠谱的网赌软件的住宿生活.

Dr. WIlliams目前担任归属感助理副总裁的特别顾问, 订婚, 和社区, 同时也是亚特兰大埃默里大学的教务长, 乔治亚州. His professional journey has always been driven by a consistent theme - the profound impact of mattering on the support and success of historically marginalized and vulnerable students in higher education. They have extensive expertise in crisis management; diversity, 股本, and inclusion (DEI); student conduct; and various other areas. 在2022年春季加入埃默里大学之前, 他曾在奥格尔索普大学担任教务长, where he helped to expand the Campus Life Team as well as infusing equitable and inclusive practices into the newly formed Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. 早些时候, he served as Assistant Director of Student Conduct 和社区 Standards at Washington University in St. 路易斯是少数族裔男性问题倡议和德克萨斯大学地区协调员的联合主任&M University-Commerce, 担任新泽西大学二年级学生宿舍主任.


人体运动研究 & 特殊教育


格雷格·莫廷格(格雷格Mottinger)的职业生涯始于诺福克学校的健康和体育教师, 在初中和高中任教,并担任足球教练. 在他职业生涯的早期, 他开发了一套终身健康课程, 以“回应干预模式”提供专业发展培训, 指导了“犀利指导计划”,以增强学生的能力, and implemented the “Positive Behavioral Intervention and 支持s (PBIS)” program to shape a positive school culture with support from the community.

在完成ODU教育领导硕士学位后, 在那里他被评为年度杰出领导学生, 他被选中并完成了抱负校长学院. 他转行担任诺维尤高中的副校长. 他曾担任暑期学校校长, 监督各个内容区域, 定向特殊教育服务, 与针对高危老年人的“毕业计划”合作, collaborated to maintain excellence in the 领导 Center for Education in Science and Education (LCSE), 并整合了一个强有力的积极行为干预和支持计划.

He has been instrumental in helping Norview become fully accredited with the Virginia Department of Education, 获得Cognia认证, 并被评为全美最佳高中之一. Gregg has maintained his relationship with colleagues at ODU serving as a regular lecturer at the Summer 领导 Conference, 担任会议策划委员会委员, 并指导多名ODU实习教师. 他在社区中也很活跃, 在诺福克公园和娱乐委员会任职, 指挥小海滩FC. 学院足球俱乐部,并担任美国青年足球教练.


STEM教育系 & 专业的研究

Dr. 詹妮弗·斯科特·布朗
Ph.D. 教学设计与技术专业,2017年

成为图书馆馆长之前, Brown was the 社区 学习 Manager for Suffolk Public Library and began her library career in Youth 服务s at Virginia Beach Public Library.

Brown weaves the disciplines of Library Science and Instructional Design by advocating for the systematic design and development of informal learning opportunities, 通过指导和学徒制培训员工, and utilizing a design model for identifying community needs by designing community and user-focused library services, 项目, 和集合.

Brown has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Library and Information Studies at 最靠谱的网赌软件 since 2018 and has served on the program's advisory board since 2019, assisting the program with their journey to being the only American Library Association accredited program in Virginia. Brown is currently serving as the Chair of the Virginia Library 领导 Academy (VALLA) aimed at developing library leadership across the state at all organizational levels, 同时也是弗吉尼亚公共图书馆馆长协会的当选人. 她于2010年获得雪城大学硕士学位, 她的历史学学士学位, 2008年获得最靠谱的网赌软件跨学科研究学士学位, 是唐娜·G. 2019年度科特图书管理员.


教学系 & 学习

教育理学学士,跨学科研究(4 - 8年级科学) & 社会研究,2000

Thomas " Tommy " Smigiel是格兰比高中的校长. 他曾担任莱克伍德探索学院的校长. He was recognized as Norfolk Teacher of the Year in 2007 and was notably selected as the 2008 Virginia Teacher of the Year, 也是全国年度教师的四名决赛选手之一. He taught Earth Science and 领导 at Norview High School and served as Assistant Principal at Lake Taylor High School. Mr. 斯米吉尔于2010年当选为市议会议员. 他是东小溪路特遣部队和市长海景特遣部队的联合主席. 2019年10月8日,Mr. Smigiel was elected as the 100th President of the Virginia Municipal League (VML) and served on the 2020-2021 Executive Board as the Immediate Past President. He has served as a member of the 最靠谱的网赌软件 达顿教育学院 Advisory Committee and served on the YMCA’s Youth Advisory Committee. 作为诺福克的终身居民,他就读于圣. 庇护十世天主教学校, 毕业于诺维尤高中, 并获得了最靠谱的网赌软件的教育学学士学位, 他在那里担任学生会主席. 后来,他获得了剑桥学院的管理学硕士学位. Mr. Smigiel was honored for his work in education with the 2009 最靠谱的网赌软件 Distinguished 校友 Award. 2015年,他被Inside Business评为汉普顿路40强40岁以下领导者. 作为一名行政人员. Smigiel曾在学校领导和管理的各个方面工作. 他特别喜欢与教师一起工作,以增加他们的教学内容知识, 帮助学生发挥潜能, 建立强大和包容的最靠谱的网赌软件, 增加家长和社区对学校的参与. Mr. 斯米吉尔当了六年副校长, 在格兰比高中和泰勒湖高中任教. 2014年7月, he was selected as a planning principal to develop a new citywide lottery specialty program at the former Lafayette-Winona Middle School. In 2015, Academy for Discovery at Lakewood (known as ADL) opened its doors to over 600 third through eighth-graders from across the city. 学校最终发展到750名学生, specializing in Project-Based 学习 and becoming a fully authorized 国际 Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. In 2019, ADL was recognized by the Virginia Department of Education as an Exemplar School for Continuous Improvement and a Purple Star School Award.